CARDOZO Genealogy
New York
The New York CARDOZOs descend from Aaron Nunez CARDOZO who arrived in NY in 1752
A subset of the New York Cardozos moved to Virginia. Many of them changed their surname to CARDOZA.
Charleston, SC
Another son of Aaron Nunez Cardozo, David Nunez Cardozo moved to Charleston, SC. He fought in the Revolutionary War. His son Isaac N. Cardozo had a relationship with a "mulatto" woman (Lydia WILLIAMS) and had 3 children. Descendents include the wife of Paul Robeson.
There are at least two distinct groups of CARDOZOs.
- One is the family of Isaac Nunez Cardozo, a judge in Minneapolis. He had 3 daughters, none of which had children. He descends from the NY Cardozos
- The other is a family that came to Minnesota via Canada. This family was in the cigar and furniture businesses. They connect to the other Cardozos back in England.
Other Groups
Cardozos, with some possibility of being related have been reported in Jamaica, Haiti and Barbados.
Others, with no obvious link, are found in Venezuela, Turkey, and the Azores.
If you have a Cardozo interest: Write me: jonathan at (replace the " at " with an @)